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Animal protection 

In 2021, the number of animal abandonments has never been so high, more than 16,894 animals were taken in by the SPA. The main victims are cats, more than 11,000 cats were abandoned in 2021. This number has increased by 21% this year, this is because with the covid-19 crisis, animal owners have not could sterilize them. Regarding animal abuse, more than 9,504 offenses were recorded for acts of mistreatment of domestic animals. These figures are only increasing from year to year despite new laws such as the law on animal abuse passed by the Senate on November 18, 2021 to toughen the penalties. This new law raises the penalties to 3 years' imprisonment and a €45,000 fine and 5 years' imprisonment and a €75,000 fine in the event of the death of the animal.  

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Consuldia Foundation aims to receive all donations, to manage them and to redistribute them for the benefit of actions, people, works or organizations, having a philanthropic, educational, social, or humanitarian nature since 2013. 


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