Our causes
Consuldia Foundation is the foundation for all causes. Here are the main causes we support, support us so we can continue supporting them.
Support and welcome of foreigners
Participate in welcoming foreigners seeking refuge in Europe.
Access to education around the world
Support education around the world and participate in the evolution of youth around the world.
Environmental protection
Participate in the preservation of our planet which is dear to us and the protection of living beings.
Medical research
Participate in research against cancers and the devastating diseases of our era.
The fight against malnutrition
Let us support people who have less than us and who die from lack of food and water.
Violence against women
Fight against violence against women, let's stop these injustices.
Access to culture
Let's provide access to world cultures for open-mindedness and connections between people.
Help for dependent people
Help sick and disabled people suffering from discrimination and inequalities.
Support for entrepreneurs
Starting a business can cost a certain amount of money, support these entrepreneurs who create jobs.
The fight against social isolation
Support social ties between residents, leaving no non-autonomous person alone.